Summer Intern: Julian Rodriguez
By Julian Rodriguez, Senior at James Hillhouse High School | July 2023
I started working with Dr. Koh at East Rock Institute this summer. Seeing as I was going be part of East Rock Institute for a little while, and besides learning from Dr. Koh, I took it upon myself to find out about the place I would be working at.
Upon searching what is East Rock Institute I learned that East Rock Institute is the oldest Non-Profit organization in the U.S. It is an Organization involved with Korean and Korean Diaspora Cultures. I didn't know what diaspora was so I started to search what itwas. Diaspora is people who have spread from their homeland and still have ties to it. I was then able to know that East Rock brings awareness and knowledge of these cultures throughout the world.
As I worked with Dr. Koh she taught me about ERI’s programs about CultureWear, fashion, design and culture. This shows how through fashion you can get to know one’s culture and culture values. You get to know their heritage and upbringing through the clothes they wear.
I came to learn about what is leadership. How and what makes a leader different from others.
I learned a little about her cross-cultural aging initiative and a little about all the conferences she had for Koreans and Korean Americans.
I learned how Dr. Koh’s family was inducted into the immigrant Heritage Hall of Fame.
I was able to enjoy many experiences/stories from Dr.Koh and I am pleased to be able to have had this experience to learn and work on things I never knew about.